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is it normal that i can get all the results by entering only one letter

welcome to whtiespace ass front

This was so much fun!! ToT

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Nice :) I’m glad you enjoyed

Thought this game was very cool! Made a little video on it, didnt go super in depth so as people interested in the game can discover things themselves!


This is outstanding! Not only is this an extremely creative use of Decker, but the story was fantastic. The way it's teased out in small portions just compelled me to search for more, trying out different keywords... and it felt so satisfying to find them! There was one moment where my search on a page for clickable objects was rewarded with something that made me gasp...

To be seen is so terrifying at times, isn't it?


Thanks for your kind words ;-; I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much

Also I think the thing that occurred to me while making this is that the thing that really scares me is to see myself through someone else, if that makes sense


It does! I know what you mean, and it really comes across so strongly in this.



Very clever game! This is part of my playthrough.

This is my first time making an actual game and certainly my first time seeing someone play through a game I’ve made—all of which is to say, thanks! It provided useful insight to see you interact with it

You're welcome! Thank you for making it :).


I thought don't press enter had a separate horror ending but nope, nothing like that XD 

I quite liked it tbh. It was sweet, of course creepy and was slightly humorous too. How many endings are there at the moment?

Either ways, it was short and admittedly sweet. Loved how it started all the way to the ending - listening to the sweet music. I'd love to listen to the song linked though, maybe as a separate video. Keep up the great work! Looking forward to more.

I’m glad you liked it! Creepy, sweet, and silly was pretty much the vibe I was going for hehe

I will also be sure to tell my friend you liked her song and when she shares it somewhere I will link to it here :)

As for endings,


i’m sorry to disappoint but for the moment there’s only one (with a few moderate variations in dialogue at the end)! I had a few ideas for alternate endings, but I made the game in a couple weeks and I wanted to focus on making the whole thing playable before getting into the weeds. It’s possible I’ll come back and add more but I have not yet decided!


Thank you! I'd love to be updated with her song. I'd love to know how you spoiler it that way, it'd really help.

Nf sbe raqvatf, V qvq xabj gur ynfg 3 qvnybthr pubvprf naq gung'f nobhg vg [znqr jvgu ebg13]. Thought there might be secret endings. 

Also, this story somehow gave me exactly what I needed (but didn't even know). It had the perfect mix, honestly felt nice to just see it. This being your first game does surprise me, because it seemed pretty cool for a first game.


This is where I found out how to do spoiler text:


This is great! You've got so much Decker stuff jammed in here, it owns. And you've cracked the trick of "get a whole song to play by stringing clips together" which I had always figured must be possible! I love how you flesh out the "it's a computer" metaphor by having like the whole wigglypaint embedded inside, that is really cool!

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Hehe I appreciate it—I definitely spent the majority of my time working on this tweaking UI and verisimilitude stuff, so it makes me happy that it paid off :)

Also for the music I actually just used the method I saw in this game:

On an unrelated note it’s been a real treat getting comments from people I recognize from the Decker community! Like when I saw your name in my comments I was just like “:0 That’s the person who made all the cool music stuff!”


There's only so many of us in the Decker community so we gotta support each other! :3


oh okay, that was super scary! thank you it was cool

I'm glad I could provide some scares! Was a little worried that my goofiness would cancel out the spookiness hehe

No no it was so so good!!! Love it!!


This is so cool! I love how the OS and the contraptions worked so well with the story.


Thanks! This game started out as a handful of ideas for how to use different contraptions from the Decker community


Also I really enjoyed playing around in Desker, by the way! It helped me realize how flexible Decker could be


Yessss I'm so happy that Desker could be helpful! And you really made something great here

I found an error in which Taylor's chatlogs change their name to Felix's. Cropped to avoid spoilers.

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Thanks for catching that! I know I made this in a fugue state, but I still can't believe I made that error so many times haha. It should be fixed now